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Stressed? Busy? Successful?
Want to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s / dementia?
Want more calm, energy and brain power?
Brain Body Joy will make a real difference.
We all feel tired, confused, unlovable, fearful and overwhelmed from time to time. Sometimes these can be the early signs of Alzheimer’s / dementia. The processes of dementia begin decades before full-blown signs. Sometimes as early as the 20’s.
You can do something about it.
I’m a doctor-scientist. That allows me to understand not only what works. Not only what you need to do. Not only how to do it in simple steps. But also WHY something needs to be done in a certain way, to be effective.
This frees you to drop the struggle. Instead, you can learn to recognize and focus on the 20% of effort that makes the biggest difference in your life. This brings you more health, wellbeing, peace, calm and joy starting right now.
Any busy, successful person can live with more calm, self-acceptance, energy and brain power by using the step-by-step Brain Body Joy program. Because it trains you to use a critical set of science-based processes. My own life, too, has been transformed by applying this science-based method.
You needn’t drown in the flood of information that’s available everywhere. The sheer volume of that information can be overwhelming. It’s often confusing and unreliable.
Instead, the Brain Body Joy method is suited to busy, stressful lives. It draws on scientific research to focus on what makes the most difference.
What you do now also makes a difference for decades to come. You give your brain the best chance of continuing to work well. The alternative, too often, is premature loss of ability; and hugely expensive dementia care.
Being good to your brain improves all areas of your life, starting now. Picture yourself enjoying more peace within:
- less vulnerability to stress
- more energy and motivation to achieve what matters to you
- more balance, focus, and fulfillment
- calmer acceptance of difficulties that can’t be changed
- more clarity in decisions
- better health and wellbeing, with slower aging and a sharper brain
- warmer connection with people who matter to you.
“This has been one of the best things I’ve done. It’s been very uplifting and such a great confidence boost. Can’t say thank you enough.” – a woman participant in an offline group
You can get started right away by downloading and using the Brain Care guide. It has 10 one-minute practices that are really good for your brain. You can even get individual mentoring from me to fit your exact situation.
Get your guide here (free today).
Recognize this?
Life can get messy and stressful. Women, generally more than men, tend to have a healthy awareness of their feelings.
- You might feel anxious, restless or irritable during the day.
- You might lie awake at night, worrying about problems or uncertainties.
- People might seem less helpful, accommodating and appreciative than you’d like.
- Stress might overwhelm your capacity to respond.
- You might feel trapped in repetitive thoughts that don’t solve anything.
- You might lose interest in doing things that once brought you pleasure.
- You might feel bad about feeling bad, or even guilty.
Sometimes you feel stuck. You’re not alone. Millions have the same experience. None of this helps your brain.
There’s a better way. Brain Body Joy can help you to live with more calm, self-acceptance, energy and brain power. Peace of mind, fulfillment and joy can be plucked out of the distant future and brought into the present moment. Even when circumstances are difficult.
The step-by-step Brain Body Joy program allows you to make this happen in your life, with expert individual mentoring.
What could your life look like?

Visualize this in your own life:
- better relations with others, less discord,
- better ability to cope with uncertainty or adversity, less anxiety,
- more self-confidence and enjoyment of life, less harsh self-criticism,
- better capacity to process unpleasant feelings, less helplessness,
- more clarity and focus, a less cluttered mind,
- more confidence about achieving what you set out to do, less self-doubt,
- more fulfilling contributions to the world, less emptiness,
- feeling more in control while feeling less pushed to control everything,
- more confident decisions and problem-solving, less confusion,
- sounder sleep, less tossing and turning in bed,
- a waist circumference within healthy limits, less belly fat,
- a more active & healthy body with a more reliable lower back, less illness,
- a more confident and delicious relationship with food and drink, less bingeing or dieting,
- slower aging, unique music-making for brain power,
- a richer inner life with more creativity, less boredom or loss of joy,
- lower risk of cancers, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes & other diseases.
All these positive developments help your brain. Your brain, in turn, can help you achieve these, and plenty more. Where do you start?
Brain Body Joy brings you
step-by-step science-based processes for
more calm, self-acceptance, energy and brain power.

The step-by-step Brain Body Joy program, with expert mentoring, helps you navigate life in a joyful, peaceful way that allows your brain to flourish.
My experience as a doctor and scientist indicates that science-based processes can empower people. Before stress and confusion push them into illness. Then they can more easily live, love, and contribute. With health, peace of mind, confidence and joy. No matter what life throws at them.
Specific science-based processes work. Adopt them, solve problems, seize opportunities, and flourish. Your brain loves that. I’m here to help you, every step of your journey. You won’t have to struggle alone any longer.
Get your Brain Care guide here. (free today)
I wish you the very best,
Joel Almeida, PhD, MBBS, MBA
(doctor-scientist, educator, music composer, student of life)
P.S. Science keeps progressing. I trawl through oceans of the latest scientific literature. That’s to make sure the step-by-step Brain Body Joy program and individual mentoring include the best of what works. The Brain Care guide (free today) will get you off to a good start.
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